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Career Starter, Changer Or Advancer? Here’s How to Find a Job in 2023

It never used to be this complicated. A few years ago, when you were searching for a new job you’d provide your CV and perhaps a cover letter – at most. Today, even the design of your CV can impact your chances. Landing a job is now dependent on various factors, from your LinkedIn profile and social media accounts, to your portfolio, website, and networking connections. 

In this blog, we’ll teach you how to find a job in 2023 (even with no experience):

Find a job as a career starter

Believe it or not, to find a job with no experience is (statistically) not as challenging as it’s commonly touted. Everyone starts somewhere, and for career starters, there’s reason to be optimistic. According to Highflyer’s The Graduate Market in 2023 report, the number of graduates recruited in 2022 jumped by 14.5%, compared with the previous year – with the number of graduate jobs available in the technology sector seeing a 40% increase. 

Here are some practical tips to help you find a job with no experience:

  • Focus on your skills and strengths: Identify and showcase the skills you possess that are relevant to the job you’re interested in. These can be transferable skills gained through volunteer work, hobbies, university projects, or personal experiences.
  • Tailor your resume and cover letter: Explain how your skills relate to the job requirements. Emphasise your enthusiasm, willingness to learn, and any relevant coursework or certifications you have.
  • Gain practical experience: Look for opportunities to gain practical experience, even if they’re  part-time. Consider internships, volunteer work, or freelancing in your desired field. These experiences can help you build a portfolio and demonstrate your commitment.
  • Networking: This is a great way to discover job opportunities and connect with professionals in your industry. Attend industry events and webinars, and use LinkedIn to build relationships with hiring managers, recruiters, and experienced industry professionals.
  • Apply for entry-level positions: Be transparent and specific when looking for jobs: if you type ‘entry level’ in your LinkedIn search, you’ll find jobs that require minimal experience – and potentially on-the-job training.
  • Showcase personal projects or portfolios: These should reflect your skills and abilities and serve as a trophy stand for actual work you’ve done. This could include design work, writing samples, coding projects, or any other relevant work.
  • Don’t wait until you’ve finished studying to start looking for work: Most universities or colleges have career open days, networking events, student organisations, and part-time department work.
  • Leverage personal connections: Don’t be shy; tell your friends, family, and acquaintances that you’re looking for work. Your community may know of job openings or be able to provide referrals or recommendations.
  • Get as much interviewing experience as possible: This will bolster your interview skills so that when your dream job does come along, you’ll know exactly how to impress the hiring manager.
  • Be proactive and persistent: Keep applying, follow up on your applications, and ask for feedback when possible. Landing your first job is hard, and rejections will happen – but keep persevering. 

Find a job as a career changer

US government research shows a ‘job for life’ is becoming a rarity, with university graduates between the ages of 18 and 46 likely to have around 12 jobs during their careers. Though career changers may have experience, they too will face some of the same challenges that a career starter experiences.

Career changers – your ways to find a job will be slightly unconventional: 

  • Still not sure what your next career should be? A career plan will help you define your experience, skills, and goals for the future. You’ll then be able to identify how your skills can be transferred to other jobs and what skills gaps you may need to focus on. Once you know what you want, you can start searching for the right roles.
  • Upskill or reskill: Though you’ve got an existing skills toolkit, you’re changing careers, which means there may be some new gaps. With online learning, you can upskill (or totally reskill) while searching for your new role. Look for intensive programmes that are affiliated with universities or industry partners, so you know they’ll make a true impact on your career. 

Our Career Accelerators do both, plus some: you’ll get to experience the unique benefits of intensive university education, expertly crafted in collaboration with industry leaders. You can learn more about our programmes and what they’re designed to do here.  

  • Network, network, network: We’ve spoken about the power of networking before, but for career changers, it’s even more important.  Don’t just stop at LinkedIn, reach out to your university peers and networks, and join events or webinars in the new industry you want to break into.
  • Personal branding: Your personal brand should reflect your new career. Up your game by working with a career coach who can help you clarify your goals and reposition yourself in a new field. Start by writing a personal mission and vision statement to help define what you care most about, and what you’d like to accomplish.
  • Don’t skimp out on application preparation: Build up your portfolio of evidence and work on a powerful cover letter that describes your interests, transferable skills, qualifications, and relevant knowledge and experience. This will serve you in any job application.

Find a job as a career advancer

Advancing in our careers takes focused, hard work. When you feel you’ve reached the ceiling in your job, or you’re wanting a totally new challenge, you can use these tips to go further in your career, faster: 

  • Update your skill set: Whatever your career ambitions are, you always need to keep your skills up-to-date – especially if you’re in technology. That also means staying in tune with industry trends. It also shows that you’re committed to your job and industry, and could help unlock the next stage of a long and satisfying career. 
  • Speak to your leaders: Don’t underestimate the power of a career growth map even as an experienced professional. It can help focus and direct your next steps, and turn goals into actual career results. It’s also critical that you bring your leader along for that journey: make them aware of what you want. Hopefully you can decide together if that’s something your current company can offer you.
  • Become a mentor: There are many benefits to sharing your expertise with others – for both sides. It can help solidify your leadership style while you empower someone hungry for knowledge and guidance, and perhaps through the process it reveals the gaps in your management toolkit that you can focus on.

Ensure you have the right skills for your next career move

While signing up with recruitment agencies and applying for jobs through employment websites and social media sites such as LinkedIn remain important first steps, there is so much more you can do to move forward professionally. Upskilling and continuous learning are key steps we all need to take, regardless of whether we’re starting out, changing jobs, or aiming for a promotion. 

Fourthrev programmes are designed to help you realise your potential in high-growth roles across the most exciting industries. You can find our full programme portfolio here.

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