Impact Stories

Meet the people getting results with Career Accelerator.

The LSE Data Analytics Career Accelerator has helped learners change industries, get promoted and secure salary increases. Meet the graduates getting real-world results.
Siobhán started her career as a software engineer. After seven years at her current company, she had the opportunity to move into a UX designer role.
Here's a closer look at the different career goals achieved by three learners on the LSE Data Analytics Career Accelerator. Read their stories here.
Starting Over as a Product Manager: Read Iryna’s Story
"Iryna wanted to find a new, in-demand role that would pay her well. She enrolled in the King's Product Management Career Accelerator and got hired. Read more."
Summer White
After 4 months on the King’s UX Design Career Accelerator, Aman landed a job as a UX designer. Follow her journey as she followed her passion and got hired.
We've collaborated with LSE and Tableau on the Data Analytics Career Accelerator to teach real-world skills that employers are looking for. Read more here.

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